your coach

This will be your financial story

I know what it’s like to not know how to manage your money because it wasn’t taught at home and schools fail us. I felt guilt and shame about my debt. After paying off $48,000 of debt in two years, and coaching almost 100 women in the last 5 years, I know that what works is approaching money from a place of trauma with excitement, strategy, and breaking through the mindset blocks that have always held you back from getting started.

I coach my clients for 4 months both in my one-on-one and in my group programs. We dive deep into what’s holding you back from reaching your financial dreams, we create a budget that’s easy and simple to manage, a strategy to pay off your debt and save you thousands on your credit card interest and how to remove the stress so you can grow your business from a place of love and not stress and pressure. I help you start managing your money, enjoy every paycheck and celebrate each milestone ...because there will be plenty to celebrate!

There should be no guilt or shame about your financial past. What matters is what you decide from this day forward.   

money coach | financial speaker

Debbie o'hara

i'm ready to feel this way too!

I remember it like it was just yesterday...I decided to file for divorce from my toxic marriage. My kids were 4 and 5 years old and I knew nothing about budgeting. So everything went on my credit cards for the next two years...including my legal fees. When I met and married my wonderful husband, he sat me down to show me what those years had cost me.  I had accumulated $48,000 of credit card debt. My husband said all the right things including, "your debt is my debt and we will get through this together." But I knew that the guilt and shame that I felt at that moment... I was never going to feel that way again. I said no. I want to learn how to finally start managing money. 

That day I decided to change my story.

I was going to learn everything I could about money management. I read every financial book I could get my hands on, listened to YouTube channels, read blogs, and more! I started getting resourceful. The more I learned, the more I implemented.

2 years later... I paid off my entire debt!

That day was December 31, 2018. I called my husband into the kitchen to be there when I clicked “apply payment” and we saw the last card go to zero. I will never forget he looked at me and said, “no way!” I said, “we did it!” He replied, “You did it!” We hugged and cried together. Those were happy tears. We knew that day that we were never going to feel the pressure of debt again!

how did i get here? 

The day I decided to change my story...

We knew that day that we were never going to feel the pressure of debt again!


I know what it feels like to not know how to get started managing your money, to have mindset blocks that make you think that you’re always going to be in debt, you’re never going to be good with money, or it’s too difficult. Then there’s the toxicity out there that only adds to the shame and guilt you might already be feeling - people saying things like, “The only time you should step into a restaurant when you have debt is if you work there.” Or, “You should eat beans and rice and rice and beans until you’re debt free.”

This is why I started my Youtube channel. I knew that if I was never taught how to manage money and had significant credit card debt...then there had to be others that felt the same. If I could help one person with my channel, it would be all worth it. I was shocked to see the amount of women that started reaching out to me after watching my videos, asking me for help. That’s what lead me to start my Money Coaching business.

I have now helped almost  100 women reach financial independence.

this sounds like a perfect match!

I am not a Certified Financial Planner. I’m a wife and mom of 3 that has helped almost 100 women reach their financial goals and manage their money stress free.

I am 100% invested in my client’s growth and support them the entire time we are working together. 

I include a fun category in your budget where you look forward to spending on yourself. This is the key to never feeling restricted with your money ever again.

I will teach you to enjoy your money and feel empowered about your finances.  

Let's find out ...

would we work well together?